Us and them, before us Culture of remembrance - ,, Us and them, before us''


Project partners

Project Team members

The Third Belgrade gymnasium

Lykeo Archangelou Apostolos Marcos

High school ,,Josip Broz Tito’’

Why culture of remembrance? Why WW2?

We partner schools, we have certain similarity in curriculums, we have rich history related to WW2 and we share certain human and civil values we would like to be followed by youngsters and to inspire young people to action, to get engaged. The time for 80 years anniversary of Victory in WW2 is getting closer. That is why we are convinced this is the right time to conduct such a project dedicated to WW2, Victory over Fascism and Nazism and to nurturing of Culture of remembrance. We actually think there is no better time than this to deal with it in an international frames because the anniversary will be celebrated worldwide. It will be obvious that the world is united, that we share history and we do share its consequences.


Main goal

Sharing experience and examples of good practices how to teach about the Second World War and how to nurture the Culture of remembrance among youngsters

Goal 1

Sharing experience and examples of good practice how to teach about the WW2

Goal 2

Sharing experience and examples of good practice of how to nurture the culture of remembrance of the WW2



Competences among students

Competences among teachers


  1. E twinning project 01/03/2022
    E twinning project ,, Getting closer: Cyprus, North Macedonia and Serbia; culture and culture of remembrance’’ -Program of project is optional, depending on what is to be agreed, as far as the objectives and goals are still possible to achieve. This on line project will be a base of furthered work on site if involved students agree to participate in gathered lessons via Skype or Zoom or Google class application;
  2. Teacher’s preparatory meeting Ohrid07-10/06/2022
    Teaching preparatory meeting is to be conduct in order to get an agreement about the project in details and about the means and ways of collaboration, terms, and project agenda. Two teachers from each of 3 countries should participate in this meeting: one of them should be a contact person responsible for project in general and the other one should be project team member, second in charge for conducting project.
  3. Teacher’s closing meeting. Larnaca 08-12/05/2023
    Teacher closing meeting is to be conducted in order to reassume and analyze project results and well as getting to a final agreement about: final project result, final dissemination plan, plan of further activities and cooperation in future and delivering final report.
  4. Week of remembrance – Serbia 24-28/10/2022
    Week of culture of remembrance is a 5 days activity consisting of: job shadowing 6 teachers from Cyprus and North Macedonia in Serbia. Guest teachers are obliged to follow the Agenda and to be present in all daily activities, including having an active role in order to make an impact strategically, Preparatory, hosting, aftermath activities. Host school is to prepare an agenda for each day. They are obliged to deliver at least one example of lesson, workshop, extra curriculum activity or outdoor activity and panel discussion due to reflection and evaluation per day. l product. Operative activities - Monthly activities which needs to be done by all partners, in order to ensure continuity and progress in conducting project as it is planned, in all of its phases and in every way.
  5. Week of remembrance – Cyprus 06-10/02/2023
    Week of culture of remembrance is a 5 days activity consisting of: job shadowing 6 teachers from Serbia and North Macedonia in Cyprus. Guest teachers are obliged to follow the Agenda and to be present in all daily activities, including having an active role in order to make an impact strategically, Preparatory, hosting, aftermath activities. Host school is to prepare an agenda for each day. They are obliged to deliver at least one example of lesson, workshop, extra curriculum activity or outdoor activity and panel discussion due to reflection and evaluation per day. l product. Operative activities - Monthly activities which needs to be done by all partners, in order to ensure continuity and progress in conducting project as it is planned, in all of its phases and in every way.
  6. Week of remembrance – North Macedonia 27-31/03/2023
    Week of culture of remembrance is a 5 days activity consisting of: job shadowing 6 teachers from Cyprus and Serbia in North Macedonia. Guest teachers are obliged to follow the Agenda and to be present in all daily activities, including having an active role in order to make an impact strategically, Preparatory, hosting, aftermath activities. Host school is to prepare an agenda for each day. They are obliged to deliver at least one example of lesson, workshop, extra curriculum activity or outdoor activity and panel discussion due to reflection and evaluation per day. l product. Operative activities - Monthly activities which needs to be done by all partners, in order to ensure continuity and progress in conducting project as it is planned, in all of its phases and in every way.
  7. Manual

    We expect to be able to deliver a Manual of good examples on how to teach about the Second World War and how to nurture the Culture of remembrance. Contribution of all 3 partners in delivering Manual is to be equal. Manual should be inspiring for further implementation in teaching and learning in wider community. We do hope it will be inspiring example which others can and will follow in dealing with this topic.


    Evaluation is of huge importance for project. it is decided to conduct evaluation in the following way:
    evaluation of each activity; evaluation of the Manual; evaluation of project in general.
    Evaluation of each activity such as E twining project, Preparatory meeting, WOR Belgrade, WOR Nicosia, WOR Bitola, Closing meeting is conducted during or after the activity to which is related. Evaluation presentation are located on the bar ACTIVITIES. Evaluation of the Manual is located here.
    Evaluation of the project in general is conducted in terms of quantity and quality. Evaluation results in terms of quantity are located here.
    Evaluation results in terms of quality are presented in form of compilation of interviews of various participants. Those video clips are gathered and uploaded on the YOU TUBE channel, linked to this website. Each partner school filmed one evaluation video.